Vegetables Combi cover
Vegetables Combi icon

Vegetables Combi

Globe iconAll goods come from more than one country Packaging iconVariety of packaging and sizes
product description dosage use
Vegetable burgerReady to use mix with vegetables and herbs for a delicious vegetables burger.Meat: 1000gr, Combi: 200gr, Water: 400 gr ή Combi: 125gr, Water: 200grGrill, oven, pan, pot
Vegetable BBQFull blend with vegetables and sweet sour BBQ taste.Meat: 1000gr, Combi: 200gr, Water: 400 gr ή Combi: 125gr, Water: 200grGrill, oven, pan, pot
FalafelFull mix for falafel, rich in spices and herbs.Meat: 1000gr, Combi: 200gr, Water: 400 gr ή Combi: 125gr, Water: 200grGrill, oven, pan, pot
TomatokefteFull blend for tomatokefte. It contains dehydrated tomato and vegetables. Rich tomato taste and flavor.Meat: 1000gr, Combi: 200gr, Water: 400 gr ή Combi: 125gr, Water: 200grGrill, oven, pan, pot

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